
8@BT (Eight at Bukit Timah) short notes

The D21 Uppper Bukit Timah area is heating up with three recent launches in the past few years. Linq was fully sold in a day, The Reserve Residences is almost fully sold and now we have the newest launch, 8@BT. There has been a lot written online already, with plenty of video reviews by the pros. I just want to add some notes, paying in particular attention to it's relationship and proximity to The Reserve Residences (TRR). - 8@BT is only 45m from the older Bukit Timah Beauty World Centre and 65m from TRR. You might be able to pick up louder conversations from their units or even peer into their homes. - 8@BT has 20 floors, so it's shorter than TRR and the older Beauty World Centre, so there is a limited view of the nature reserves, a sliver perhaps..  - on the other hand, those who bought TRR on the stacks facing Jurong Kechil will have their view of the reserve blocked unless they are higher than 8@BT, so only those above 22nd floor or so may have some view.  - the main entra

Gansu in 9 days - 敦煌,七彩丹霞,嘉峪关,莫高窟 和 新龙门客栈,张掖

So I'm a big movie buff, and visiting places where movies I watched were filmed is a big deal..  So when a work opportunity came to visit Lanzou in Gansu Province came, a little light bulb lit up and I thought, New Dragon Gate Inn! One of my favorite shows from the 90s was filmed in Dun Huang and I can work something in to visit it! This was one of the first HK movies to be filmed in China and what a location! Plus, I get to overload on Lanzhou La Mian (兰州拉面), another one of my favorite stuff. And the further I research, the more interesting the sites over there. Now getting over to Lanzhou is no mean feat, requiring two flights last over 10 hours with stops in between and more driving and flying to reach the remote sites. There will also be extreme heat, dry searing conditions especially I have to go during the height of summer for the work part. If you think the two week spell of rainless conditions is hot, try 40c heat standing in the desert barefoot…. Our first stop after the l

Costs and tips in building and maintain your own swimming pool

The attraction of having your own pool can be great, the icing on the cake to complete that landed home. But do beware of the costs. Firstly to construct a pool it can cost upwards of 100-200k, the more custom or irregular it is, the more it costs. Access to the land, the effort in digging also costs. If you really want a long lasting pool, use rebar and concrete, with many layers of waterproofing. It may cost more, but it will last. Think of how to site the equipment, eg the pumps, the piping, the outlets, the sump etc, and work with an experienced contractor to fulfil your dreams.  Understand how much noise it generates, so you can see how close you wish to site it to your home.  Remember to account for some landscaping around it, be it decking, granite or even trees. But remember trees can dump a lot of leaves into the pool giving you more work.  Use reliable parts, and good piping, valves etc so you don't end up with repairs sooner than you think. Having a nice counter current

BYD Atto 3 Electric Review

So my MIL's trusty Corolla recently began to give her issues, so they went to explore some car options whilst pondering on whether to repair or change. The current climate of high COE is quite prohibitive, but electric vehicles (EV)s have emerged as an up and coming possibility. The government is certainly pushing the whole concept of clean cars very hard. However one needs to deep dive into the pros and cons beyond the idea of clean energy that they are selling, especially in a country where cars cost four or five times what they would in other countries.  You can read about my concerns in a previous post:  ( )  So let's talk about the BYD Atto. This car has taken the local car scene by storm, offering a very attractive pricing, good space and more in a rather attractive package. Exterior The car is quite modern, using a SUV styling but not so high as to make the hip point too daunting for the elder

Perth tips - child friendly places for food, attractions and shopping

Had a bit of time, so I'm putting together the places I went and tried  Introduction Perth in general Perth City is quite small, but Western Australia is huge, so be specific on where you want to go and what you want. Traveling distances out of Perth City are massive so account for the traveling time. Eg a day trip to Margaret River is ill-advised. Weather, if you're going soon, it's warm in the day, but gets cool at night. Bear in mind, Australia is like that in general, once the sun goes out, the temperature can drop by more than 10 degrees. Food Be prepared to spend 18-30 Aus$ a meal. Or pack sandwiches and such to save. Or stay home. You can't really scrimp too much and enjoy. The good news is that the currency is smaller than ours, so there's a discount. And don't try to smuggle food or any organic material, they are really strict. Declare and pack in clear bags. Usually dried stuff with English labels eg baby food and medicine are fine. Eat local stuff lik