Demo Disc Writeup
Welcome to the Xtremeplace! A demo disc is a show case of the wow factor, and this awe inspiring bit is what makes our jaws drop or make us stop in our steps when we walk past a demo going on in the shops. This disc aims to compile the best scenes to showcase the best of various aspects of High Definition. A note first: This is NOT a financial venture, everyone does this for fun and this disc should NEVER be sold. I cannot emphasise this more. Introduction: The world of Home Theatre (HT) is an exciting and immersive world, which can draw you in, help you share the emotions, the action, the tension and the humor, and the picture as well as the sound helps to put you right in the middle of it. So before you even begin to watch this, take some time to read ALL the stickies, and vital threads and information in our forums on: - speaker placement - bass management - ...