Everything you need to know about living, studying and working in Sydney Australia II

Being alone, buying a radio For those going away to Syd right now, its winter, it gets cold for Singaporeans not used to it and the day gets dark early. Make sure you have friends, people you can talk to, otherwise you may find yourself crying in a dark corner when the sun goes down and there is nothing to do, no friends to talk to or things to do after dark. Its not all parties (they can be decadent esp when your parents have a spent a fortune sponsoring you) but say you are a Xtian, get a study group, be a bit thick skinned and get yourself invited to a house group, gathering, anything that tkaes your mind off the cold dark nights. The best thing you can have is a small and cheap pocket radio, so there is always noise in your house. msn or skpye your friends back home, buy a cheap camera, start a blog. "Hello" phone cards are cheap and reliable, if you buy them from Chinatown shops its cheaper. Oz can be fun, but somethings when the home sick feeling sets ...