
Showing posts from November, 2011

Working with small places

As our homes in Singapore shrink, and our government tells us we still have enough space (ha!), we face the prospects of having to put up with smaller interiors and changing our expectations of how we decorate or furnish our homes. Our eyes can be bigger than our living rooms, and we can run the risk of turning our new homes into a congested, untidy storeroom in our haste and enthusiasm to get all those cool and pretty pieces of furniture for our homes. So here are some points that I garnered during my own hunt: - measure your home properly This means more than merely taking out the tape and recording the dimensions. That's important to get right, but also simulate what you will place inside. For example, the width of my dining hall is about 3m, but when I placed a cardboard piece which represented the size of my table (130 by 85cm), it filled up this space amply. Throw in some chairs and the place starts to look very cramped. - ensure that there is flow and moving space Like what...

The Loss of DAB Radio and Digital Transmissions in Singapore

I read about the closure of Digital Audio Broadcasts (DAB) with great sadness. We are only given one-month notice before our equipment becomes redundant. This is a far cry from the initial fanfare on DAB, and all the promises of better signal quality, sound and hissless high fidelity music. Why the demise? Well, despite a promising start, there has been little focus, news or even marketing, and you will have to go out of your way to find people who know about the equipment and little expansion of the stations. With such little effort devoted to this, it is of no surprise to hear of its demise. What concerns audiophiles and even the man in the street is the ramifications for other media, like digital television. Digital television was also announced with much promise, and yet, more than four years after it’s introduction, transmission coverage around the island is still sporadic (you could be staying in the same neighborhood, and experience varying degrees of reception). We still o...