
Showing posts from August, 2014

Are you ready for ATMOS ?

In light of the new Atmos and other > 7 channel options, reader here will need to consider some points in planning their new home theatre systems. As renovation / hacking might be involved, the decision should first be taken to decide on how many surround channels will there be? If all one needs is 5.1 or 7.1, then wired up accordingly during renovation. However if there is an intention to go for the new stuff, such as DTS-Neo X or Audyssey DSX or Atmos etc, then one has to adhere to the prescribed speaker placement positions that Dolby or DTS suggests, otherwise there may be inference between each speaker, and you don't get that nice surround envelop. But now ceiling speaker positions have come back into fashion, and will enhance Atmos, but one still needs rear surround speakers, and those won't do well in the ceiling. So plan well, and also understand again that one needs to decide if aesthetics matter more or can one go for the best positions. ___________________________...

RIP Robin Williams

Farewell my dear captain Robin Williams has had a profound effect on movie goers over at least four decades and it is with much regret that I read about his demise, especially in such a sad way. Most will remember his vast repertoire of hits, from his days as a stand up comedian to his days in TV as Mork and moving onto the large screen, where he had built up a significant gallery of hits, and even giving him an Oscar. However beneath the veneer of side splitting performances, if one examines his movies and gets below his humor, you will notice as many reviewers have done, that there's a dark side which belies all the fun and light. > > I recall two of my favorite shows, Mrs Doubtfire and Good Morning Vietnam, and you will notice the sadder side of a very gifted man. The shows don't have a happily ever after ending, and gives you an insight into his more negative aspect. In fact I cannot bear to finish watching Vietnam and Patch Adams for their sad ending...

Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Review

So what makes a good action movie and does Guardians of the Galaxy have the ingredients? You have action by the loads ā€“ check Funny lines and snappy dialogue ā€“ check Underdogs fighting against overwhelming odds or a very powerful opponent ā€“ check Swashbuckling ā€“ check A little romance, yet it doesnā€™t overwhelm the plot ā€“ check So you have an ensemble movie, set in space, with a plot not unlike a half dozen others, where a young Terra man gets brought up to be a space scavenger, but really ends up doing incredible things to save the world or in this case, the universe Along the way, he picks up more oddball characters and side kicks plus the inevitable romantic connection, which comes in the form of a green and very feisty Zoe Saldana, who prefers to kick than kiss him. True romance doesnā€™t run smooth ā€¦ The gold standard for the devil may care, swashbuckling, dashing anti-hero is Hans Solo, played to perfection by the young Harrison Ford. B...