A simple upgrade - change your speaker position

I have been playing with a new pair of speakers recently and with some of the furniture out of the way, my acoustic professional friend Nic and I could play more freely with the position of the speakers. Instead of being forced to plaster them close to the full, we could then move them further out into the room, widen the space between, and compare. Indeed, there was an incredible increase in soundstage, depth, and imaging. Drums got tighter, the voices clearer, whilst the space between instruments and definition all benefitted. All this without spending a cent on any equipment upgrades or even acoustic treatment. So before we consider buying new gear, we may want to try moving our speakers around, vary the toe-in, and also the listening position. Conversely if we are unable to play with these variables, we should seriously consider if buying expensive new gear is really the answer. Some of us have to live with constraints like kids, family etc, and moving the position of the spea...