Denon AVR X7200W review
Associated equipment: PS64D8000FM Samsung plasma TV Denon X7200W – XT 32, 11.2 capable with nine amps inbuilt, twin sub out, Atmos and Auro capable Marantz PM 11S3 : 2 channel stereo amp with HTbypass and 100W per channel driving the front pair of 804D ( ) Rotel RMB 1572 - 250w per channel power amp for Front Heights ( ) Oppo BR player BDP 105 as CD transport and HT source Marantz NA11S1 as a DAC and network player Apple TV (Gen 1) X 2 for music and photos HTM4s centre, Radius 90HD for front height B&W 805s for rear back Monitor Audio RXFX in dipole mode for side surrounds JL Audio E112 (two units) located at right rear and front left Anthony Gallo A'Diva for ceiling Atmos placement and "Voice of God" placement QED XT Revelations for front and centre speakers QED Micro speaker cable for the...