Suggestions for running cables for surround channels
1- using the walls is a better idea than running them through the floor 2 - external trunking is nice if aesthetics are secondary - less drilling / hammering 3 - use good cables, as it's hard to change 4- best to avoid cable ties, but it doesn't matter so much for surrounds 5 - use a lead wire tied round the cables, so you can pull them out and lead in a new one if there is damage or other issues 6- running a duplicate length is nice, but expensive and may not be need 7 - using some kind of trunking inside the wall / ceiling is nice, but beware of vibrations / trapped dirt causing noise 8 - typically for lengths under 50ft, even 16AWG is sufficient, and smaller sizes for shorter runs. The surround cables use don't need to be expensive, there are many options: Monoprice 12 AWG Wall-rated cables Belden, Canare etc also serve well, just visit LHS in SLT. I also used QED 79 strand and Micro to good effect. ______________________________________________________________ I ha...