Steps in buying and collecting your Merc

The car selection process : That's listed here: So you have set your eyes, heart and wallet on that three pointed star car. Now I don't need to tell you that you should have done your due diligence on a few things: - buy it because you like the car, the features, ride, safety etc etc. Not just for the badge. Well at least be clear why you put your hard earned cash on it! - do your sums on the outlay, financing etc - that includes the loan package, the duration, interest rate etc - find a good rep who will serve you well, during the sale and more important, after you have coughed up the dough.. - look at the spec sheet, and make sure whatever you want is in black and white - go through the details, eg, black leather, may come with black trim, and if you want a lighter trim check that - some things are not included, and you should go through the list that the rep gives you,...