My setup 3/2018

I decided to make the Denon AVC X8500H the centre of my home theatre system, and finally bring Auro into the system! Sony ZD9 75" ( Sony TV review) Denon AVC X8500H ( Denon AVC X8500H review ) Marantz PM 11S3 : 2 channel stereo amp with HTbypass and 100W per channel driving the front pair of Dynaudio Confidence 1 Platinum ( Marantz PM 11 S3 ) ( Dynaudio C1 Platinum Review ) Sony UDP X800 ( Sony UBP X800 Review ) Sony UDP X700 Marantz NA11S1 as a DAC and network player Dynaudio Confidence C1 and Centre Platinum front and centre Usher 520 rear back Monitor Audio RXFX in dipole mode for side surrounds JL Audio E112 Anthony Gallo A'Diva for ceiling Atmos placement and "Voice of God" placement QED XT Revelations for front and centre speakers QED Micro speaker cable for the surrounds Audioquest Cinnamon HDMI for Oppo 83Nuforce to amp AQ Forest HDMI cable - Set top box to TV and other sources Monoprice Premium Cabl...