The Similarities in Shopping for a Home and a Car

There are some similarities when one buys a car and a home. Yes, often times we are reminded that one may depreciate and the other appreciates. But the common vein is the passion and emotion involved in the buying process. As much as we like to pretend we are cool, and decide with our minds, there is a big element of heart involved. Even when we buy the most basic car, we still choose color, accessories, brand and add our personal touch to it. Witness all those members posting questions on how to add stuff, mod their rides, no matter how basic it is and how limit they may declare their budget is. So it is with the house buying too. Even if we are only buying for investment, we should like the place. Like it enough to stay, and feel good about the place. Some of us buy right off the bat. See it, call the bank if we haven't already done so, and write that check, there and then. I have done that before. Bought two places at the first viewing, and never regretted it...