Going From Cable to Fibre - embracing the optical network world for internet access

Cable is now going obsolete, and those cable points in your home will become redundant soon. But you still want internet access and for those reliant on cable to provide this, what are your options? Your new internet provider will firstly need to create an ONT in your home, and if you aren't familar with this term, do read up first on the net or my past posts: https://peteswrite.blogspot.com/2019/01/setting-up-mesh-network-in-your-home.html https://peteswrite.blogspot.com/2012/10/open-net-tips-and-info-on-installation.html Most providers will do this for free if your home isn't already fibre enabled. Otherwise it can run into a couple of hundred dollars to do this. Check for offers. So you need to decide where to place this ONT. Choose a point which is high up and close to the rest of the home. From this point, you will need either a cabled solution or wifi. For the latter, your mileage may vary. If your home is small, has few walls and your Modem & Ro...