
Showing posts from September, 2019

Budget large TV options

It's good news for all members and everyone in SG. We now have real options for the lower end. Previously one will need to spend above 5k for a 65" and now amazingly they are available at around the one grand mark. But the caveat is that you gain inches of acreage, but do check if the spec sheet, the feature list and also the picture quality matches your needs and expectations. Don't forget, whatever price you pay, you want it to last for quite a few years (in my books, 5 years for a budget set is good) and that what you see is what you want. Otherwise TVs aren't like other items - they are much harder to sell and so, choose wisely. From the larger mainstream brands, we have some offers, and some are past year models, so be careful what you choose and see if they suit your needs. LG, Samsung and even Sony have some models in the under 2k range, and past year models may be even cheaper. Be careful of certain shops which do a switcheroo... they offer a 65...

Choosing A Gate For Your New House

A home is only as strong as it's weakest point, but the gate is also a statement piece which greets all your visitors when they first see your home. As with most things in life, you have to figure out: - budget - style - space and ergonomics The basic gate is a wrought iron one, sometimes set with pieces of wood on it and has two pieces which open in the centre. It's seen in many homes around the world and is rather timeless. You have to decide if they open out or inwards. Technically all gates are meant to open inwards so they do not encroach onto the road, unless you also own the space directly in front of your home. Some of them also have a small door built in, to allow human access without opening the whole gate. Other design variations include whether there are patterns, the gap between the grilles and how much privacy do you want. Swing gates tend to be quite maintenance free, especially if they are manual. The main issue is the larger space needed and it may ...

Apple TV vs Movie Anywhere vs Amazon Video plus HDR vs Dolby Vision

(added a couple of pics since the original posts as some folks doubt what we saw).. Whilst physical media is not bound for the Smithsonian yet, streaming has taken off in a big way and you can have your ice cream in many different flavours now.. The current main players in this world of movie streaming are 1 - Apple TV and the iTunes ecosystem 2- Google 3- Amazon Video Iā€™ve previously written about it here: Movies Anywhere (MA), Fandango and Vudu These are interesting sites, which collate the movies in which you can redeem your digital codes, and they are available as apps to watch the movies you redeem on it. One very important point is that you have to do some homework on which site is best for you. Not all movies will redeem in 4k and not all will do Atmos. So, the million dollar question is are they all the same? Well a friend and I decided to do an inf...