Samsung D8000 plasma settings and run in guide
These are some settings I got off other posts / forums like AVS: I used a series of color slides you can download from AVS forum( Run In Images ), left my telly on with the slides running for about 80 hours, dialed in settings off AVS / CNET (I posted them earlier), adjusted for my own room conditions and I began enjoy the set. The break-in slides are to age the phosphors evenly during their most "impressionable" period. Plasma TV Break-In Break-in consists of a set of steps you should make right after you bought your plasma TV. Its purpose is to slowly prepare the TV for regular watching. During the break-in period, you will have to limit yourself a bit in regard to how you use your plasma TV. The break-in should be performed for the first 100-200 hours of operation. You can perform it exclusively or integrate it between your regular TV watching hours. During these 100-200 hours, the plasma TV is prone to accelerated burn-in because the pixels are fresh and fire at ma...