Samsung D8000 plasma settings and run in guide

These are some settings I got off other posts / forums like AVS:

I used a series of color slides you can download from AVS forum(Run In Images), left my telly on with the slides running for about 80 hours, dialed in settings off AVS / CNET (I posted them earlier), adjusted for my own room conditions and I began enjoy the set.

The break-in slides are to age the phosphors evenly during their most "impressionable" period.

Plasma TV Break-In
Break-in consists of a set of steps you should make right after you bought your plasma TV. Its purpose is to slowly prepare the TV for regular watching. During the break-in period, you will have to limit yourself a bit in regard to how you use your plasma TV. The break-in should be performed for the first 100-200 hours of operation. You can perform it exclusively or integrate it between your regular TV watching hours. During these 100-200 hours, the plasma TV is prone to accelerated burn-in because the pixels are fresh and fire at maximum intensity.

•Select the appropriate mode when you first power up your plasma TV. Most modern plasma TVs ask if you are going to use them in a store or in your home. In “store” they are in “torch mode” having maximum contrast and brightness to overcome the extreme lighting and look good.
•Calibrate them or use the appropriate picture mode. Some of the models have a picture mode in which they offer best picture quality. Others need to be calibrated manually to obtain best picture. Whether you select just the picture mode or you calibrate them, the brightness and contrast should not be maximum but around 50-60%.
•Watch only full-screen content. Avoid watching 4:3 content or use the zoom function to make it fill the screen. Same for cinemascope content which is shorter than the screen and puts black bars at top and bottom of the picture. If you have to watch non full-screen content at least make the sidebars or top and bottom bars gray instead of black.
•Don’t play games on it and don’t use it as a computer monitor.
•Mix the content. If you are watching programs that have logo, news ticker or any other static elements don’t leave the TV on the same channel for more than an hour. Ideally avoid watching such programs in the first hours.
•Don’t pause for long times, don’t leave your DVD menu paused on screen, etc.
You can use the white wash function, if present, for the first few hours in order to wear out the pixels a bit. Then you can watch regular content, sticking to the rules described above. You can perform the break-in in one continuous run for the first 100-200 hours if you are patient enough. If you don’t however, watch regular content whenever you want and when you’re not in front of the TV (eating, sleeping, away) leave on the white wash or a full-screen program/movie without logo or other static content. Note that if using white wash function, you should do so for less time than the recommended 100-200 hours since it wears out the pixels at an accelerated pace and it accomplishes the same thing faster. Ideally you should use the white wash for the first hour and after that watch regular full-screen content without static parts.

CNET settings, which I use:

Cnet settings (150hours)
--Picture menu
Mode: Movie
Cell Light: 14
Contrast: 95
Brightness: 58
Sharpness: 0
Color: 50
Tint: G50/R50

Screen adjustment submenu:
Picture Size: Screen Fit
Position: [no change]

Auto Adjustment submenu: [Grayed out]

3D submenu: N/A

Advanced settings submenu:
Black tone: Off
Dynamic contrast: Off
Gamma: 0
Expert Pattern: Off
RGB Only Mode: Off
Color space: Custom
White Balance: [see below]
10p White Balance: On
Flesh tone: 0
Edge enhancement: Off
Motion Lighting: Off
xvYCC: Off

Color Space submenu:
Color Space: Custom
Red: Red 47, Green 5, Blue 4
Green: Red 19, Green 58, Blue 3
Blue: Red 3, Green 3, Blue 53
Yellow: Red 51, Green 54, Blue 4
Cyan: Red 20, Green 53, Blue 51
Magenta: Red 42, Green 8, Blue 53

White balance submenu:
R-Offset: 30
G-Offset: 14
B-Offset: 12
R-Gain: 7
G-Gain: 21
B-Gain: 19

10p White Balance submenu:
Interval 1: Red -7, Green -8, Blue -7
Interval 2: Red -5, Green -4, Blue -4
Interval 3: Red 3, Green 3, Blue 3
Interval 4: Red 1, Green 2, Blue 3
Interval 5: Red -1, Green 2, Blue 5
Interval 6: Red -3, Green -2, Blue -1
Interval 7: Red -5, Green -3, Blue -3
Interval 8: Red -4, Green -2, Blue -3
Interval 9: Red -2, Green 0, Blue -2
Interval 10: Red -2, Green 0, Blue -7

Picture options submenu
Color tone: Warm2
Digital Noise Filter: Off
MPEG Noise Filter: Off
HDMI black level: Normal [grayed out]
Film mode: Off

BTW the CNET settings are pretty close to this other site:
Samsung D8000 (plasma) review - FlatpanelsHD

Picture preset: Movie
Cell light 15
Contrast 86
Brightness: 53
Sharpness: 5
Tint: G50/G50
Black Tone Off
Dynamic Contrast Off
Gamma 0
Colour Space Native
Flesh Tone 0
Edge enhancement Off
Motion lighting Off
xvYCC Off
Color tone Warm2
Digital Noise Filter Off
MPEG Noise Filter Off
Digital Noise Filter Off
HDMI Black level Low
Film mode Off
Size Screen Fit
R-Offset 24
G-Offset 24
B-Offset 28
R-Gain 28
G-Gain 22
B-Gain 29

Got this off AV Forums:

How-To Firmware Downgrade on Samsung D-Series Plasma

A: PSxxD6xxx and PSxxD7xxx

I Downgrade:
Go to network settings of the TV and manually assign an IP address (making it easier later to access the TV, remember that IP address assigned)
Then, as DNS server enter (, exit the menu and switch the TV off and on again. (It is only necessary that the TV shows a connection to the router, not being able to establish an Internet connection is normal)
Go to "software update" and choose "online", it will be found and downloaded a version 1090.
You will be asked whether to install the update now or later, or not at all. Select "Update now". The TV will turn off and begin the update. This may take a while, so be patient and wait until it has finished, never disconnect the power, then you once had a television-set.
If the TV is finished, go to "contact Samsung" and verify that there now the 1009 version is displayed. If yes, then you have successfully performed the downgrade.
Change the DNS-Server in the network settings back to normal. If you do not, the TV has no internet connection and you are also banned from SamyGo server after 2 days.
Then go to software update again, you will find that there's not the 1009 but the fake version 1090 appears. You can now no more install a new firmware, unless you continue reading.

II reactivate upgrade:
Follow the instructions in the samygo-wiki how you get root access on the TV, through point 5:
Root access for D series Mstar cpu models - SamyGO
If SamyGO is running then first click away the virtual USB stick, we don't need it here.
Go via FTP to "ftp://ip_address_off_your_TV/mtd_rwarea (for Windows simply use the Explorer)
Go to the file "version.0" or "version.1", only one of them will exist. They rotate on every update.
Make a backup of the file on your local PC.
Go to the local copy of the file and make another copy and open one of the files. (the copies are for saftey reasons)
Change the number in the middle that represents the version number to "1009" and save the changes.
Copy the changed file back to the TV and replace the original file. Of course in the same folder as before "mtd_rwarea".
Exit Smarthub and turn the TV off and on again.
Go to the software update and check if there is now the 1009 version number, if so, you were successfull.
Now you can install all firmwares newer than 1009 via USB.

B: PSxxD8xxx
Go to network settings and as DNS server enter (, exit the menu and switch the TV off and on again. (It is only necessary that the TV shows a connection to the router, not being able to establish an Internet connection is normal)
Go to "software update" and choose "online", it will be found and downloaded a version 1090 or 1091.
You will be asked whether to install the update now or later, or not at all. Select "Update now". The TV will turn off and begin the update. This may take a while, so be patient and wait until it has finished, never disconnect the power, then you once had a television-set.
If the TV is finished, go to "contact Samsung" and verify that there now the 1015 version is displayed. If yes, then you have successfully performed the downgrade.
Change the DNS-Server in the network settings back to normal. If you do not, the TV has no internet connection and you are also banned from SamyGo server after 2 days.
Then you go to software update again, you will see also the 1015 version here.
Now you can install all firmwares newer than 1015 via USB.

Newest quoted settings off AV forum:

Picture Mode: movie
Cell light: 18
Contrast: 84
Brightness: 54
Sharpness: 5
Colour: 50
Tint: 50/50
Black tone: off
Dynamic Contrast: off
Colour Space: custom
Red: 39 6 5
Green: 20 50 6
Blue: 1 3 41
Yellow: 51 51 7
Cyan: 18 48 48
Magenta: 41 6 48
White Balance
R-off: 22
G-off: 26
B-off: 25
R-gain: 30
G-gain: 25
B-gain: 27
10p balance: on
1: -1 -1 0
2: 2 1 2
3: 0 0 -2
4:  1 0 -1
5: 0 1 -3
6: 0 0 1
7: 1 1 2
8: -1 0 1
9: -1 -1 1
10. 1 0 3
Flesh tone: 0
Edge enhancement: off
Motion lighting: off
xvYCC: off
Picture options
Colour tone: warm 2
DN Filter: off
MPEG Noise filter: off
Film mode: off / auto 2
I have no financial interest or other interests in any of the items / events I write about.


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