Making A First Aid Kit

The recent series of fires and accidents have got me thinking about this.

I have a first aid kit, ,torchlight, pocketknife, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, glass punch and seat belt cutter in my car, as well as the safety triangle.

Now you can buy a complete kit, and they can cost from $15 upwards, but do note that when they say "100 components", they count Each plaster / alcohol swab, so don't be fool!

However there are sites which teach you how to assemble one, and you can certainly make one, or buy one first, then refresh it from time to time.

Some useful sites:

I do a lot of outdoor stuff (when there's no Covid), and I look forward to doing it again. A small kit is an essential component.

Now, those sites do give most info on how to assemble it, but let me add a few pointers:

- you can use an old airline vanity pouch. I got a nice one off a trip

- bring some of your meds too. Some of us are on a ton of meds, so put a set into your porch as a spare. I typically bring them in my toiletries bag, so this is my spare one.

- I also put a bit of cash in it, you'll never know, eg a cab ride if the car breaks down

- I also adjust my kit according to the trip, eg if it's a multiple trek in Nepal, I'll expand my kit (actually I have more than one kit, one for small trips, and another for longer ones)

- I put the expiry date and assembly date on the pouch

- add a waterproof pen - good for writing bandage timing on the arm if you do a tourniquet 

- black tape or duct tape

- a simple compass helps - I keep my old Silva compass handy but I also stick one in my car

Oh, please open the wrappers Before you travel... time is of the essence if someone is dying or burning... and know how to use the contents before you fly / drive / travel

 I have no financial interest or other interests in any of the items / events I write about.


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