Ultimate Ears Super5 VI - review

First some links :

Technical Details

  • Exclusive top fire armature speaker, which produces powerful & extended high definition sound
  • Miniature high performance microphone for hands free phone calls
  • In-line multi-function button answers & ends calls & controls music/video on iPhone (not included)In-line microphone Sensitivity - -40dBV/Pa, 1 kHz
  • Speaker Input Sensitivity - 115 dB SPL/mW at 1 kHz
  • Frequency Response - 15 Hz - 15 kHz
  •  Cord: 46 Inches (116.8 cm)
  • Driver Unit: Single driver proprietary balanced top fire armature
  • Ear coupling: Intraaural (Ear Canal Fit)
  • Frequency Response: 15Hz-15kHz
  • Impedance: 13 Ohms (at 1Khz)
  • Input Connection: 1/8 (3.5mm) Gold plated
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 2 Years
  • Max. Power Input: 50mW*
  • Microphone (w/a): Sensitivity: -40dBV / Pa at 1kHz
  • Noise Isolation: -26dB
  • Sensitivity: 115dB SPL/Mw at 1kHz
  • Weight: 0.49 oz (14g)
Essentially this was the result of a hunt for a cheap, light alternative to my Sennheiser 250, a noise cancellation headphone I use for travels. The issue with the Senns was that it was heavy and didn't cut out all the noise. So I looked about locally, and the prices were not too inspiring. I didn't really need super hi end sound, since the main purpose was to cut out the ambient noise in the airplanes. I noted that what you get with higher end models was better sound, but the noise isolation remained the same.

Note also that this is a noise isolation earpiece which fits inside your ear, instead of the ones which fit over the years. It is a passive mechanism which simply works by cutting out the noise. No anti noise cancellation. 

So does it work? Actually pretty well, and in a recent trip to Sydney, it was put to the test. it performed quite well, cutting out the ambient noises, and it was quite eerie and I actually had trouble hearing the voices of the stewardess trying to offer me supper!

However not everyone will like the idea of stuffing something into your ear, and those buds can come off, and you may even get it stuck in the canal, so beware.

How about the sound? Once the ambient noises are cut off, the sound is quite impressive, and given that is only a single driver, rather impressive. I had no trouble with following the voices and action of the video on demand aboard the SIA planes. I even had to turn down the volume, as the IEMs cut off the sound so effectively. 

It comes in a nice case, but has no airline adaptor, so you will need to get one. The mike isn't as good as the ones on the original iphone and you pick up too much ambient noise.

Do note that it goes for under USD 100 on Amazon, whereas it may cost a lot more locally.

A good buy.


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