Captain America – movie review

Captain America – movie review

There are usually two classes of superheroes, the dark brooding, slightly schizophrenic or reticent ones, or not totally benign, and the bright cheerful ones who embody goodness and all round decentness.

Well Captain America (CA) belongs to the latter, although unlike Superman, Spiderman or Wonder Woman, his capabilities are less developed, but nevertheless, his arrival on the big screen will be keenly welcomed by fans.

CGI has enabled a rather convincing transformation of beefcake Chris Evans (from the Fantastic Four) to a thin gawky looking small fry. Chris Evans does not need to stretch his acting chops much, but he does play the all American hero role well, and his costars like Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving amongst others add dimension, and the result is a movie which has action, romance and humor. The mix makes you overlook the pacing, which is a bit uneven, as the first quarter of the movie where the movie tries to explain the origins of CA. You can easily cut off 5-10 minutes without affecting the storyline.

The storyline is rather simply, with elements of adventure and artifact hunting borrowed from Indiana Jones, Nazis, and a retro/classic period drama complete with leather stitching and Tommy Guns. You have Red Skull, a villain well played by Aussie Hugo Weaving. He has a nice snarl, and takes some of that menace he showed in Matrix and is an excellent adversary to CA.

Add some sci-fi and fancy weapons, some rather pleasant eye candy in the form of Hayley Atwell, who plays the love interest, and you have a blockbuster which is worth renting, or even a purchase if you like superheroes.

I like my heroes to be cheerful and decent, and CA is a welcome addition to this genre.

Footnote: stay past the end, and you will be treated to a trailer of the May 2012 show – “The Avengers”, which looks rather promising too.

I have no financial interest or other interests in any of the items / events I write about.


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