Setting Up A Home Theatre Room Part I

It's been a while and that's because I have been busy with my latest project:

Moving my home theatre den into a new spot:

This is the top floor room, and to give some specs:

4m wide, 3.8m long, 3.05m height.
The ceiling is a false ceiling with a steep roof above it - there is about another 2-3m clearance from the false ceiling board to the actual roof tiles - that is a challenge as I will elaborate more on later..

Some pics first:

It's a tiny room when you compare it to the barn sized projects you see in Oz and stateside, but it's my home :)

They are tearing down right now, and will begin wiring up for a 9.2.4 project in due course. More later... 

Some notes:

Wooden cross beams 
Cables in laid into concrete side walls


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