What kind of renovations are needed for a 20-30 year old home

A 20 yr old place that is well built should still be in good condition.

But I'll look out for and proactively aim to fix these items below.

It's important to be strict and change if there is any doubt, because it's a real hassle if you need to fix it when you are staying it in already

- roof - very important to check and look at it during a big downpour, but be careful don't change a perfectly good roof if it's working well...

- also look at the false ceilings for stains

- all electrical (added new light points) place your LED drivers in easy access places

- relay switching for staircase lights and bedrooms

- added generous LAN points (this is an entire topic in itself, but be generous with the number of points)

- tiles : IMO, it's optional if the floor is very good and suits your style, eg some high grade marble. Otherwise replace because it's a big hassle in future, unless you are just laying LVT

- termite checks

- I'll change plumbing and toilet floor tiles too and I used all new pipes with a large calibre for better water pressure

- take down the roof antenna, painted a new waterproof layer on the roof and made sure the ventilator works

- I replaced the cabinets / wardrobes too and added internal lighting


 I have no financial interest or other interests in any of the items / events I write about.


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