Going for the Covid Vaccination: Things to take note

Just sharing some tips, my friends and I learnt from our experiences.


First, choice:

- right now you have no other choice, and that's not a bad thing, because the Pfizer vaccine is the front runner and thus far, millions of doses have been given and the frequency of side effects has been well documented and within control. Realistically there will be some issues, even potential fatalities, but it's also important to see the details, because it may not be a direct result of the vaccine or the jab. Do it now as you might get the sinovac, unless you're up for it

- we also excel at logistics and the cold chain will be pretty much assured in SG


- if you're in healthcare, you'll probably do it in a hospital / clinic setting. That's good. If you have a choice, do it where there are resuscitation facilities. If you're going to a clinic, make sure they can rescue you if you do go into anaphylaxis

What's that you say:

"Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death. It typically causes more than one of the following: an itchy rash, throat or tongue swelling, shortness of breath, vomiting, lightheadedness, low blood pressure. These symptoms typically come on over minutes to hours."

- Timing:

Choose a day where you have a couple of days where you might have a lighter schedule

The reaction can be mild or you may have some arm ache, flu symptoms or even have more reactions. So don't schedule something heavy on the same day, or the day after. Be prepared to sleep like a log after. Avoid heavy lifting for a couple of days

Also make sure you have friends or family who can check in on you after the jab, especially those who are living alone

- What to prepare:

I'll suggest taking a panadol or NSAID before the jab, so the aches are less

- How do you feel right after:

the arm ache doesn't start immediately, but when I took it in the afternoon, you feel like the flu is coming, this happened after dinner, and I went to bed early to sleep

I woke up with a bit of soreness, and arm ache, and it continues through the day. Typically it last for a couple of days or so

- What else to bring?

Bring a camera! Take a pic of the event, share it 🙂

- you'll be monitored for about 30 min. Bring your phone and a drink, you have to pass time away, and it will be boring without a book or phone to while the time away..

- you'll get a card, keep it in your wallet. Don't put it in or fold it immediately the ink tends to run

 I have no financial interest or other interests in any of the items / events I write about.


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