Top Gun 2: Maverick Movie Review

It was 1986 when Top Gun hit the big screens and led to a frenzy of people who joined the US Navy as "aviators", it also sealed megastar status for Tom Cruise.

Since then, he has gone from strength to strength, with a Mission Impossible Franchise under his belt. However, he has always been keen to make a sequel to the original movie that really set the world ablaze and helped send him into the stratosphere. 

The thing about sequels, is that not every sequels works. Some just cash in on the nostalgia or ride the interest wave and try to milk the good feelings for the original. 

However, you also have movies like Aliens, Terminator 2 which have not only done well at the box office, but also improved on the original. 

More than 30 years later, you can add Top Gun 2 Maverick to this short list. Yep, it's good. 

So the plot isn't going to win any Oscars, the same idea of cocky pilots, some facing inner demons, and some very spirited flying which will definitely inspire a new generation of young men and women to join up and become Naval Aviators.  

The fans of the original will definitely feel happy with many nods to the original, but it does not alienate the new viewers, which is unlike some franchises that force you to have a detailed knowledge of the past shows in order to really appreciate this one. Here, there are new characters, some flashbacks, which help to link up the two movies and also help establish who's who and why they are the way they are. 

The action has gone up by a few levels, the surround action is also Atmos equipped with many demo worth scenes and will bring good rewards with those that have a solid home theatre system. 

There's good action, humor, chemistry and I'm glad they choose Jennifer Connelly, which is still a real beauty, but not too young, which is unlike some other shows where the protagonist is old enough to be the ladies' father.

The sentimental or perhaps the scene that reached out to me was when he hit Mach 10, rather than the action later on. Being able to one of the few men to do this, reminded me of the movie, The Right Stuff, and it was more stirring than the dogfights later on. 

This movie will please the fans, and make new viewers converts to the TC fanclub. Whatever you think of him, he really tries and the use of real jets, and real action instead of just doing CGI for everything sets this movie apart and helps propel it to greater heights.

Top Gun 2 Maverick deserves the box office rewards it's been receiving and will be a wonderful addition to the Blu Ray collection too.

Highly Recommended

 I have no financial interest or other interests in any of the items / events I write about.


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