My gear - 12 / 2011

PN64D8000 Samsung plasma TV 
Denon AVR 4311 – XT 32, 11.2 capable with nine amps inbuilt, twin sub out
Emotiva XPA 3 – three times 200W power amp to drive the left, right and centre channels
Oppo BR player BDP 95
Monitor Audio speakers: GS 10, LCR, Radius 90HD for height and wide channels
PSB Image 10S Bipoles for rear back
 Monitor Audio RXFX in dipole mode for surrounds
Velodyne SPL 1000R + Rhythmic FV15HP
QED XT 300 for front and centre speakers
QED Micro speaker cable for all the rest
Audioquest Cinnamon HDMI for amp to TV
LHS and monoprice for the rest
Audioquest subwoofer cables
Assorted Xindak, PS Audio and other power cables
MK wall power sockets
Atacama stands
Auralex subdude platform and under centre speaker
Da lite screen

I have no financial interest or other interests in any of the items / events I write about.


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